Our day-care centre team is made up of unique individuals with diverse training and in-depth experience. As your child embarks on their own voyage of discovery, we are here to give them confidence, support their specific needs and make them feel safe every step of the way. A structured environment and a respectful approach towards everyone involved are our top priorities.
Childcare practitioner
Educational specialist
Infant nurse and nursery assistant
trainee educational assistant
Voluntary social year
Early years educator
Educational assistant, paediatrics
Childcare assistant, Montessori educator
Head of administration and management
Infant nurse and nursery assistant
Infant leader, educational specialist
Infant development
Early years educator
Educational specialist, Montessori educator
Childcare practitioner, trainee wilderness education
Education specialist, early childhood education
Early years educator
Infant nurse and nursery assistant
Childcare practitioner, trainee infant nurse and nursery assistant
Infant nurse and nursery assistant, chef
Educational assistant
Educational assistant, trainee educational specialist
Deputy nursery leader, social education specialist, theatre, herbalism, naturopathic and environmental education
Infant nurse and nursury assistent
Early years educator
Recognition year as an early years educator
Childcare practitioner, recreational educator
Early years educator
Nursery leader, early years educator, nature education specialist, early years music educational specialist
Childcare practitioner
Deputy infant leader, early years educator
Early years educator
Infant nurse and nursery assistant
Early years educator
Infant nurse and nursery assistant, chef, qualified primary and secondary school teacher
National community service
Early years educator, education and psychology (on parental leave)
Social education specialist (on parental leave)
Play worker, Montessori educator (on parental leave)