  1. About us
  2. The board of directors

The team behind the team

Our board of directors is made up of an interdisciplinary team of professionals who invest endless passion and expertise in ensuring that the quality of our care continues to grow. The board also takes care of public and financial matters, thus creating the perfect framework conditions for the day-to-day running of the centre.

Uwe Breuder Portrait


Uwe Breuder

HR manager at HQ ALPLA in Hard

Manuela Lehner-Künz Portrait


Manuela Lehner-Künz

Business and management education specialist, philosopher, management consultant



Christoph Hackspiel

Psychologist, managing director of the Vorarlberger Kinderdorf charity  (retired)

Carmen Lehner


Carmen Lehner

Psychologist and systemic family therapy, ALPLA Family Office

Cornelia Reibnegger Portrait


Cornelia Reibnegger

Social worker, managing director of Sozialsprengel Hard community centre

Uwe Breuder quadratisch
Uwe Breuder
Chairperson of Verein Kinderhaus ALPLA KIDS
‘Our aim is to help parents to balance family life and work.’

With the support of the market town of Hard

Gemeinde Hard